The Scout Association has an Anti- Bullying Policy that states: It is the responsibility of all adults in Scouting to help develop a caring and supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable. This applies to everyone within Scouting – adults and young people.
We have listed below the policy and codes that we have agreed with the scouts in our sessions. Parents or carers of our members are required to support these policies and to support the group and its leaders in their implementation. The application of these policies and rules helps to ensure that everyone gets the full benefit and enjoyment from membership of the Scout Association.
Anti-bullying Policy
We DO have respect for everyone as individuals, whatever their differences.
We DO take bullying seriously, it’s not “just a bit of fun.”
We DON’T accept any bullying behaviour including, but not limited to:
Physical violence
Being left out
Spreading nasty rumours either in person, by text, email or on Social Network sites.
Stealing, damaging or hiding other people’s possessions
Any other way of making people feel bad.
We DO report any bullying we see, whoever it’s aimed at. It should be reported to a Leader or to someone else we trust like our Patrol Leader or a Young Leader.
We DO take someone seriously if they tell us they’re being bullied, and we also don’t watch others being bullied without doing something about it.
We DON’T just put up with bullying. We DO make sure something is done about it.
Code of Conduct
We DO follow the Group’s Anti-bullying Policy.
We DO have respect for ourselves, all other members of the Group and those who come to visit us.
We DO come to Troop Meetings regularly.
We DO wear our uniform respectfully, with pride and correctly for appropriate events such as flag break.
We DO keep our Scout Promise and abide by the Scout Laws.
We DO keep quiet if a Leader or Instructor is speaking to us and we DO listen to what he or she is saying.
We DO NOT push, pull, punch, kick, scratch, bite or physically abuse anyone else.
We DO NOT deliberately cause damage or mess to property or equipment.
Disciplinary Procedures
If a Scout is being disruptive or not following the Rules of Conduct he/she will be given an official warning by a Leader.
If the unacceptable behaviour continues in the same meeting, their parents will be informed of the behaviour at the end of the meeting. If the young person is unrepentant, a suspension from the following meeting may be issued.
A serious single incident (e.g. violence or threatening the personal safety of members) may also lead to an immediate suspension for the rest of that session and the next session. A Leader will always notify a parent/guardian, informing them of the suspension.
On the occasion of the 3rd suspension of a Scout in any one year, the leader will consult with the Group Scout Leader (GSL) and request the young person be excluded from the Troop.
Young people can call free, at any time, for information and confidential advice about all problems, including bullying on 0800 1111. offers information, advice and true stories about bullying.
Adults who need advice and support can call the NSPCC helpline free on 0808 800 5000.
Leaflets and booklets on bullying are available from
Beatbullying works with children and young people across the UK to stop bullying. As well as training programmes, BeatBullying has a website where young people help each other. Young people can log on and talk to someone about their experiences.
Thinkuknow has resources for young people, adults and parents about staying safe online. Most importantly, there’s also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online.
Bullying UK (Part of Family Lives)
BullyingUK part of Family Lives have launched a new LiveOnline Support service for every member of the family to get advice direct, and support you with a wide range of bullying problems
or 0808 800 2222